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The Planets

by: Simon Tang

The days are getting longer and the Sun just doesn't seem to go down. It's summer in sunny Southern California once again. As you still outside enjoying the breeze from a hot day, you might have noticed 2 stars appear. One almost directly above and the other to your left. Then out of nowhere, another one shows up next to the one on the left just above the hills by that tree that you've never noticed until now.

Interestingly enough, those aren't stars. They are actually planets to be exact. This year we have enjoyed a lot planetary action. First, the transition of Mercury across the face of the sun. Mars was in opposition and later, made its closest approach to Earth and Saturn was also at opposition with the rings tilted towards Earth making a spectacular view.

Even more spectacular was at the beginning of the year, five planets were visible in the sky. Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter. 

But thats just this side of the year, Both Uranus and Neptune will also be at opposition. A lot harder to see, they will be nothing more than a point of light blending in with the stars. 

So while your enjoying the warm weather in Los Angeles (or anywhere else in California) look up at the sky. If you see a star that doesn't twinkle, it's most likely a planet!


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